Origin of the word "Quiz":
The word "quiz" is believed to have originated in the late 18th century in Dublin, Ireland. It was used as a term for a practical joke or hoax. Over time, its meaning evolved to include the idea of testing someone's knowledge with questions.
The First Pub Quiz:
The concept of a pub quiz, where people participate in a quiz while enjoying drinks, is said to have started in the United Kingdom during the 1970s. It quickly gained popularity and became a social activity in many pubs and bars worldwide.
The First Trivia Pursuit Game:
Trivial Pursuit, a popular trivia board game, was invented by Scott Abbott and Chris Haney in 1979. The game was officially released in 1981 and quickly became a cultural phenomenon, testing players' knowledge in various categories.
Largest Quiz Participation:
The largest quiz ever held had an astounding 182,513 participants. It was organized by the Department of Sports and Youth Affairs in Kerala, India, on February 12, 1999.
Longest Quiz Marathon:
The record for the longest quiz marathon by an individual is 33 hours and 1 minute, achieved by Suresh Joseph in Kerala, India, on December 22-23, 2011.
Oldest Known Quiz Show:
The oldest known quiz show on radio is "Information Please," which first aired in the United States in 1938. The show featured a panel of experts who answered questions sent in by the audience.